PhD in Biophysics from University of Minnesota; mentor Xiaoping Hu; focus on real-time imaging and physiologic noise in fMRI.
MS/BS in Biomedical Engineering from Case Western Reserve University; mentor E. Mark Haacke; focus on susceptibility imaging.
MRI, Neuroimaging, image processing

Result from using BOLD activation “blobs” as the seed regions for DTI tractography constrained to pass through the internal capsule. The colored fibers depict the cortical spinal tract.
I am interested in all things MRI with a special focus on neuroimaging methods, analysis and applications. I focus on cerebrovascular effects of neuroimaging signals with emphasis on pre-surgical planning and diagnosis with an eye towards improving clinical neuroimaging.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) and transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS) are exciting new methods that can be used for therapy and mapping. I am also interested in developing alternative methods of brain mapping for neuroscience applications as well as intra-operative mapping.
Recently, I have been working towards improving spinal cord imaging with projects trying to understand the functional and structural role of the spinal cord. In addition collaborative work with Jim Elliott in the Physical Therapy and Human Movement Sciences department has created a new methodology of identifying the chronic effects of whiplash.