A lecture series to develop a better understanding
Topics: Functional MRI (fMRI), Diffusion and DTI, Perfusion, DCE, and Spectroscopy
Baldwin Auditorium Department of Radiology
Feinberg School of Medicine
Northwestern University, Chicago IL
May 24th, 2014 8:30am to 6pm
Seminar Fee:
$100 for Students
$200 for PhD, MD, Tech
Discounted parking available, on registration page.
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This activity is approved for 8 hours of CE by the ASRT
Program Description
This interesting all-day lecture series provides the fundamentals needed to understand advanced neuroimaging methods. Topics include imaging physics, functional MRI (acquisition, stimulus presentation, experiment design, data analysis, and interpretation), perfusion imaging (ASL, DSC, and DCE), diffusion imaging (analysis and tractography), and MR spectroscopy. Emphasis will be placed on the clinical application for all of the methods discussed.
Who should attend?
Any Physician, Neuroscientist, or MR Technologist looking to gain a strong foundation in advanced neuroimaging methods using MRI will benefit from this series.
The lectures focus on the physics, physiology, and neuroscience behind the methods to provide a clearer understanding of these powerful techniques. There will not be any training on specific post-processing software or scanner hardware used for advanced neuroimaging. Instead a general understanding will be the goal.
Program Objectives
•To obtain an understanding of the underlying anatomy, physiology, and cognitive networks being assessed with the advanced neuroimaging methods.
•To gain general knowledge of experimental design, implementation of fMRI experiments,
and analysis methods used in neuroscience research studies.
•Learn to conduct functional MRI, perfusion, diffusion and spectroscopy studies with knowledge of imaging physics, physiologic limitations, data analysis issues, and proper interpretation in the context of pathology
•To obtain an understanding of the underlying anatomy, physiology, and cognitive networks being assessed with the advanced neuroimaging methods.